
Getting The Love You Wantwrkshopb

An intensive two-day workshop for married and unmarried couples to rediscover the joy of being together while using their relationship for personal change and growth.

* Help couples gain greater compassion for each other
* Help couples develop new communication skills
* Help couples will gain insight into how the unconscious forces that attracted them to each other are also the source of conflict
* Help couple help each other get in adulthood what they did not get in childhood
* Help couples learn new tools for re-romanticizing their relationship
* Help couples experience emotional healing and spiritual evolution

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Keeping The Love You Find

A practical, fast paced two-day workshop for individuals, whether or not they are in a committed relationship, that is designed to:

* Discover a better understanding of yourself and your relationship patterns
* Obtain insight into how the same unconscious forces that attracted you to others are also the source of conflict
* Learn and understand why you love some experiences and dread others.
* Uncover patterns that are not working for you and learn how to make new relationships more successful.
* Gain the communication tools required for a healthy, long lasting, and fulfilling relationship
* Experience emotional healing and spiritual evolution for a more joyful life
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Intensive Group Training in Imago Couples’ Therapy
This intensive 96-hour training in Imago Relationship Therapy leads to certification as an Imago Relationship Therapist (for therapists/clinicians) This in-depth training will equip you to work successfully with the most challenging couples and relationship dynamics. Through this training, you will move your professional skills to a more advanced level and learn how to move a couple beyond the power struggle into a renewed level of empathic connection and commitment. As you develop your potential as a couples’ therapist, you will also deepen your skills in working with groups and individuals, while enhancing healing and growth in your own relationships.