Our Mission

We, Imago Therapists in the Metropolitan New York area, convene together in collaborative fellowship in order to acknowledge, address, and meet our professional needs and interests. To achieve our mission we shall gather our energies and focus our efforts and resources to deepen our understanding of Imago Relationship theory and practice, as well as extend our understanding of other theories or therapeutic approaches that may enhance our effectiveness as Imago therapists.

Categories of Membership

A member is a therapist who has been certified as an Imago Relationship Therapist by Imago Relationships International (hereinafter referred to as IRI) and shall reside and/or practice within the geographic area comprising the New York tri-state area, defined as New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

A Member-in-Training shall be a therapist practicing within the geographic area of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, who has been accepted into the IRI clinical training program. Member-in-Training status is available for a maximum of two years. Upon certification by IRI, the Member-in-Training shall automatically become a Member. If certification has not been obtained within two years, the Member-in-Training shall be eligible to become an Associate Member.

Associate Member
An Associate Member is a mental health professional who has demonstrated interest in Imago Relationship Therapy but does not meet the criteria for either Member or Member-in-Training. Imago Educators or those on the Imago Educational Track may become an Associate Member.

Dues: $85.00 per calendar year starting June 1 – May 31 | Register Now

Board of Directors

Current GNYAIRT Board Members and Officers  2019-2020

Irene S. Azar – President and Treasurer

Judith Clarke – Vice President, Chair of Nominating Committee, Continuing Education Coordinator

Linda Schnapp – Co-chair of Programming and Continuing Education

Charlotte Wolovsky – Co-chair of Programming and Continuing Education

Herb Tanenbaum – Co-chair of Programing and Continuing Education

Barbara Mitchell – Membership Committee

Lisa Druker – Member at large